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We are One
— and that is the real meaning of healing

Natural Healing, Spiritual Reality, the Power of the Mind — constants all; untouched by time or trend. Never subject to a government recall. Always effective and always real.
The presence of community spirit, responsibility for self and society, elevating consciousness and respecting the option of alternative views — necessary components for enlightened living.
All of these concepts and more are guiding precepts for Heartland Healing Magazine.

Comm-Unity = with unity

Heartland Healing — at first one may presume that titled such, our magazine is about therapies and wellness strategies. In part, that is true. Within the pages of Heartland Healing Magazine, one will sometimes find articles about alternative therapies. And across the pages one will certainly find advertisements for some of the Heartland’s forward-thinking therapists.
But there is far more to our magazine. That’s why you will also see articles and advertisements about social issues, events, groups and people who reflect a sense of joyful living that only community can convey.

Heartland Healing embraces the broader concept of the word “healing.” Taken in its full meaning, the word connotes “wholeness, to make one.” In that light, the title of our magazine reflects a goal to support the oneness of the community, our wholeness.

One of our founding purposes is to provide a platform and sounding board for the entire community, whoever seeks to move toward conscious action or inclusive awareness. One need not be New Age, an alternative healing arts practitioner or metaphysical maven to be part of healing the Heartland. Just be aware. Just be concerned. Just be involved. Just be awake.

There are consciously aware restaurants, enlightened attorneys, holistic-minded bookstores, forward-thinking clothing stores — anyone can operate from the higher plane of consciousness. This is the community we want to provide a platform for. And beyond that, the entire community is the one we want to serve.

Metaphysics, spirituality, social responsibility, spirit of community, support for healthful lifestyles and synergistic ecology, recognition of the law of abundance and prosperity — all those concepts and more — make up the principles we take as guidance.

Let us hear from you. Let us be a place you can see, use and feel in this joyful experience we call “life.”

\Heal\, v. t. [OE. hale, sound, whole; Germ. heilen, Goth. hailjan. See Whole.] 1. To make hale, sound, or whole; 4. To reconcile, as a breach or difference; to make whole; to free from guilt; as, to heal dissensions.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary

We need YOU to speak up, to be part of this effort to remind the Heartland that there is a community of forward-thinking, progressive, spiritually-aware and mindful beings right here, right now.
Let this platform be a way you get information to the community about what you do, how you live your ideals, the importance of a rewarding life experience to you. Tell us what we can and should write about. Advertise with us. Send us pictures, ideas, comments.
This is YOUR magazine.

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